原帖由 火爆獸 於 4/3/2007 16:25 發表
+d-a 252hp+128d+128sd @Leftovers or Chesto berry
ice beam/surf or thunderbolt or toxic or roar/heal bell/rest
原帖由 chm_ming_2004 於 4/3/2007 17:00 發表
Where can get Leftovers
原帖由 chm_ming_2004 於 4/3/2007 18:19 發表
What is Chesto berry the chinese name
And where can get this
Can you ask me where can get Leftovers
原帖由 chm_ming_2004 於 4/3/2007 18:19 發表
What is Chesto berry the chinese name
And where can get this
Can you ask me where can get Leftovers
Where can get Leftovers
Where can get Leftovers? <----
錯誤:無法顯示方法 原因:無法知道版本
原帖由 火爆獸 於 4/3/2007 16:25 發表
+d-a 252hp+128d+128sd @Leftovers or Chesto berry
ice beam/surf or thunderbolt or toxic or roar/heal bell/rest
What is Chesto berry the chinese name
And where can get this
Can you ask me where can get Leftovers
原帖由 木守宮的蛙糧-PA 於 5/3/2007 19:19 發表
原帖由 Michael198713 於 5/3/2007 22:35 發表
where can get Leftovers ? = =""""""
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