香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

標題: 有在smogon rpg玩的都來,閒來沒事幹的傢伙也來看看 [打印本頁]

作者: iamwwf    時間: 21/12/2006 03:08 PM
標題: 有在smogon rpg玩的都來,閒來沒事幹的傢伙也來看看
號外:Smogon RPG大哄動 暴君面臨被推翻

Arcane signed on.
Arcane: Well well weel
Hattori Hanzo and Norman are battling.
Trainer X is away.
Arcane: I heard you changed your name to ANTI ARCANE again, iamwwf.
Arcane: I've warned you countless times.
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: Admin White Leather Jacket has TempBanned Neon Ultima for 1337 minutes
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: Norman: He came back to cause more trouble
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: is that arcane?
Arcane: No you stupid kid.
Arcane: Don't try to avoid me.
Arcane: I'm going to ban you right now.
Arcane: I want to decide how much I need to make it
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: oh
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: i think i should have the right to use any tag i want
Arcane: I warned you about Anti Arcane
Arcane: But you did it again
Hattori Hanzo has beaten Norman
Norman is done battling.
Hattori Hanzo is done battling.
Arcane: So, still won't change it?
Arcane: Let's see how long I'll make it
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: k
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: any one votes please
Arcane: Um
Arcane: What votes, you idiot?
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: let see should i change this tag
Arcane: Yeah, because you did it before and it annoys mme.
Norman: so you'll ban him because it's annoying?
Norman is away.
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: i think yes
Arcane: I told him before not to use it.
Cabroncillo signed on.
DragonSong signed on.
DragonSong signed on.
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: what's the reson not to using it?
Arcane: I asked kindly.
Norman has returned.
Norman has changed teams and is now known as -Stryker-.
Arcane: But you persist on using it.
-Stryker-: it's a name Arcane
Arcane: Okay then
-Stryker-: He's gone Anti-Stryker before also
Arcane is away.
-Stryker-: no big deal
Arcane has returned.
Arcane has changed teams and is now known as iammwf is a shithead.
iammwf is a shithead: It's just a name.
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: i have the freedom to use any name i want
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: well
iammwf is a shithead: No big deal.
iamwwf[Anti-Arcane]: i won't care what the name you are using
Cabroncillo signed off.
iammwf is a shithead: I'm at perfect liberty to use any name I want.
作者: Sonic    時間: 21/12/2006 10:38 PM
不過D人入入出出同Battle Delete掉吧

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