標題: A lot of new attacks(with pic) [打印本頁] 作者: Darksky 時間: 25/9/2006 09:14 PM 標題: A lot of new attacks(with pic) Go to http://www.pokexy.com/bbs/read.php?tid=3542 la. May be too much pic and will load for a longer time.
連結沒有生效,應該去不到作者: K龍 時間: 25/9/2006 09:32 PM [quote]游客你好,你现在未注册仅能浏览此贴部分内容,想看全部内容请先登录或注册,欢迎你加入精作者: Darksky 時間: 25/9/2006 09:34 PM no, all are new attacks. not onlypokemon and the attacks will move too. maybe sign in la and u don't need to reply, just read the news. like me