香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

標題: "need not" 與 "needn't" [打印本頁]

作者: anthony    時間: 30/8/2005 07:07 PM
標題: "need not" 與 "needn't"
如果要將 "She needn't do the homework" 中的 "needn't" 轉為長寫,請問以下哪一句才是正確的?
1. She needs not do the homework.
2. She need not do the homework.
作者: 路人2號    時間: 30/8/2005 07:19 PM
作者: elessarcid    時間: 30/8/2005 08:15 PM
唔好意思想問一下need not點解==孤陋寡聞唔知點解--

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