Victini used Trick! Victini switched items with its target! The opposing Swampert obtained one Black Sludge. Victini obtained one Leftovers.
Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The opposing Swampert is hurt by its Black Sludge! -這是第三次估計錯誤,還間接斷送了巨沼怪的價值。先撒把岩釘再說 Turn 6
Victini used U-turn! The opposing Swampert lost 18.8% of its health!
Victini went back to xMarth!
Go! Hydreigon!
The opposing Swampert used Stealth Rock! Pointed stones float in the air around your team!
The opposing Swampert is hurt by its Black Sludge! -此時對方換入對我方威脅最大的三頭龍真是不合時。雖說巨沼怪有雪崩可以一擊殺掉,但剛剛兩次的黑泥傷害過後能輕易被對方的流星群秒掉,只好換入花潔仙子看看情況。 Turn 7
b4winds withdrew Swampert!
b4winds sent out Florges!
Hydreigon used U-turn! It's not very effective... The opposing Florges lost 7.8% of its health!
Hydreigon went back to xMarth!
Go! Gligar! Pointed stones dug into Gligar!
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -看到對方使用UT的一刻我立即鬆了一口氣。沒有命玉傷害提示和招式選擇,表示對方絕大多數是專愛的類型。此時我才發覺對方很可能是一隊UTVS隊。至於天蠍的意圖也十分明顯了。 Turn 8
b4winds withdrew Florges!
b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!
Gligar used Defog! The opposing Rotom-Heat's evasiveness fell! The pointed stones disappeared from around your team!
The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -接下來,對方換入的選擇有三個:比克提尼(吃鬼火卅過熱),三頭龍(吃過熱),Mega電龍。如果其換入後者,則我可以趁其使用治癒鈴時先制VS至巨沼怪對付。如果是前兩者,只要我使用電磁波都能對對方造成很大的麻煩。 Turn 9
Gligar, come back!
Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)! Ampharos breaks the mold!
The opposing Rotom-Heat used Thunder Wave! But it failed!
The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Ampharos was hurt by its burn! Turn 10 The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch! It's not very effective... Ampharos lost 7.1% of its health!
The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!
b4winds sent out Swampert!
Ampharos used Heal Bell! A bell chimed!
The opposing Swampert is hurt by its Black Sludge! Turn 11
Ampharos used Dragon Pulse! The opposing Swampert lost 44.1% of its health!
The opposing Swampert fainted!
b4winds sent out Florges! -不過我沒想到對方速度居然比我快,因為我的巨沼怪是專門為電龍加了速度的,看來還要再加一點 Turn 12 b4winds withdrew Florges!
b4winds sent out Absol!
Ampharos, come back!
Go! Jirachi!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
-因為花潔仙子比電龍快,因此對方的換入人選只有一個了 Turn 13 Absol has Mega Evolved into Mega Absol!
The opposing Absol used Sucker Punch! It's super effective! Jirachi lost 77.2% of its health!
Jirachi used U-turn! It's super effective! The opposing Absol lost 58.3% of its health!
Hydreigon used U-turn! It's not very effective... The opposing Florges lost 7.8% of its health!
Hydreigon went back to xMarth!
Go! Jirachi!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 15 b4winds withdrew Florges!
b4winds sent out Crobat!
Jirachi used Wish!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -看到祈願基拉祈,心裏浮現出了那蛋疼的基拉祈配置 Turn 16
Jirachi used Protect! Jirachi protected itself!
The opposing Crobat used Brave Bird! Jirachi protected itself!
Jirachi's wish came true! Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -居然還真的有保護 Turn 17
b4winds withdrew Crobat!
b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!
Jirachi used U-turn! It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 7.9% of its health!
Jirachi went back to xMarth!
Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)! Ampharos breaks the mold!
The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -先讀電磁波 Turn 18 The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch! It's not very effective... Ampharos lost 6.5% of its health!
The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!
b4winds sent out Florges!
Ampharos used Dragon Pulse! It doesn't affect the opposing Florges...
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 19
b4winds withdrew Florges!
b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!
Ampharos, come back!
Go! Victini!
Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -為甚麼不是蛋疼的基拉祈! Turn 20
Victini used U-turn! It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 9.9% of its health!
Victini went back to xMarth!
Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)! Ampharos breaks the mold!
The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch! It's not very effective... Ampharos lost 7.1% of its health!
The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!
b4winds sent out Florges! Turn 21 Ampharos, come back!
Go! Victini!
The opposing Florges used Toxic! Victini was badly poisoned!
Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Victini was hurt by poison! -不斷讓微波爐被削血也不是辦法,始終我的微波爐比對方的電龍要重要多了,所以在這回點了劇毒打擊比克提尼,順便試探對方會否派出電龍 Turn 22 Victini, come back!
Go! Cobalion!
The opposing Florges used Protect! But it failed! -先前先讀基拉祈放釘失敗了,那麼這次也重施故技吧,先派出最怕岩釘的微波爐 Turn 23 b4winds withdrew Florges!
b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat!
Cobalion used Stealth Rock! Pointed stones float in the air around the opposing team!
The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 24
Cobalion used Volt Switch! It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 6.6% of its health!
Cobalion went back to xMarth!
Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)! Ampharos breaks the mold!
The opposing Rotom-Heat used Will-O-Wisp! Ampharos was burned!
The opposing Rotom-Heat restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Ampharos was hurt by its burn! -看到VS基本確定對面是UTVS隊了,而且還放了釘,形勢實在是十分惡劣,再加上對面隊醫和祈願精靈還完好,我方必須尋求突破點。對方最弱的精靈就是那蛋疼的基拉祈,我方必須尋找機會讓刺龍王在基拉祈面前強化,否則耗下去的話我肯定是吃虧的。 Turn 25 The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch! It's not very effective... Ampharos lost 7.6% of its health!
The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!
b4winds sent out Florges! Pointed stones dug into the opposing Florges!
Ampharos used Heal Bell! A bell chimed!
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 26 Ampharos, come back!
Go! Victini!
The opposing Florges used Moonblast! It's not very effective... Victini lost 16.7% of its health!
Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 27
The opposing Florges used Protect! The opposing Florges protected itself!
Victini used V-create! The opposing Florges protected itself!
Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -有岩釘的情況下我沒辦法用微波爐抵擋創造勝利,只好讓刺龍王提早進場 Turn 28
b4winds withdrew Florges!
b4winds sent out Kingdra! Pointed stones dug into the opposing Kingdra!
Victini used V-create! It's not very effective... The opposing Kingdra lost 25.8% of its health! Victini's Defense fell! Victini's Special Defense fell! Victini's Speed fell!
Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 29
Victini, come back!
Go! Hydreigon!
The opposing Kingdra used Dragon Dance! The opposing Kingdra's Attack rose! The opposing Kingdra's Speed rose! -看到對方派出圍巾三頭龍,我頓時想到勝出的方法,這全賴我刺龍王的配招巧妙 Turn 30 b4winds withdrew Kingdra!
b4winds sent out Florges! Pointed stones dug into the opposing Florges!
Hydreigon used Draco Meteor! It doesn't affect the opposing Florges...
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 31 Hydreigon, come back!
Go! Victini!
The opposing Florges used Wish!
Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -如果要勝利,我必須確保刺龍王在滿血狀態,但對方當然不會讓我輕易得逞。對著比克提尼上刺龍王的風險太大,況且對面有著比比克提尼更好的選擇讓我的刺龍王無傷進場,我又何必冒險呢? Turn 32 b4winds withdrew Florges!
b4winds sent out Rotom-Heat! Pointed stones dug into the opposing Rotom-Heat!
Victini used Bolt Strike! It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 17.1% of its health!
Florges's wish came true! Victini restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 33 Victini used U-turn! It's not very effective... The opposing Rotom-Heat lost 10.5% of its health!
Victini went back to xMarth!
Go! Hydreigon!
The opposing Rotom-Heat used Volt Switch! It's not very effective... Hydreigon lost 19.7% of its health!
The opposing Rotom-Heat went back to b4winds!
b4winds sent out Florges! Pointed stones dug into the opposing Florges!
The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -陷阱已經設好,現在就等待對方按耐不住祈願回復的機會 Turn 34 Hydreigon, come back!
Go! Jirachi!
The opposing Florges used Wish!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The opposing Florges restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 35 b4winds withdrew Florges!
b4winds sent out Kingdra! Pointed stones dug into the opposing Kingdra!
Jirachi used Wish!
Florges's wish came true! Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -刺龍王成功回血,而對面的基拉祈也跌落了我所設的陷阱,我的計劃正在啟動 Turn 36 Jirachi used U-turn! The opposing Kingdra lost 19.6% of its health!
Jirachi went back to xMarth!
Go! Hydreigon!
The opposing Kingdra used Rain Dance! It started to rain!
Jirachi's wish came true! -祈雨後的刺龍王絕對比圍巾三頭龍快,但是我的計劃並非在此就結束。因對面深知三頭龍有清我隊的能力,因此一定不會輕易炮灰。而我也正好利用這一點先讀對方換人,確保我可以打掉對方的鋼系精靈。 Turn 37 Hydreigon, come back!
Go! Jirachi!
The opposing Kingdra used Waterfall! A critical hit! Jirachi lost 69.8% of its health!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers! -對方選擇換入蛋疼基拉祈而不是勾帕路翁則是致命錯誤,逆流而上的會心也是錦上添花罷了。 Turn 38 Jirachi used Protect! Jirachi protected itself!
The opposing Kingdra used Waterfall! Jirachi protected itself!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 39 The opposing Kingdra used Dragon Dance! The opposing Kingdra's Attack rose! The opposing Kingdra's Speed rose!
Jirachi used Wish!
Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Turn 40 The opposing Kingdra used Dragon Dance! The opposing Kingdra's Attack rose! The opposing Kingdra's Speed rose!
Jirachi used U-turn! The opposing Kingdra lost 20.3% of its health!
Jirachi went back to xMarth!
Go! Ampharos (Ampharos-Mega)! Ampharos breaks the mold!
The rain stopped. Jirachi's wish came true! -對面居然連電磁波也沒有,那刺龍王的清場也失去最後的障礙了 Turn 41 The opposing Kingdra used Outrage! It's super effective! Ampharos lost 100% of its health!
Ampharos fainted!
Go! Cobalion! Turn 42 The opposing Kingdra used Outrage! It's not very effective... Cobalion lost 40.5% of its health!
Cobalion used Close Combat! The opposing Kingdra lost 49.8% of its health! Cobalion's Defense fell! Cobalion's Special Defense fell!
The opposing Kingdra's rampage ended! The opposing Kingdra became confused! Cobalion restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The opposing Kingdra ate its Lum Berry! The opposing Kingdra snapped out of confusion! -對面不是加滿攻擊的類型的話是沒有機會KO刺龍王的,有UTVS卻沒有先制攻擊也令對方在強化攻擊手面前毫無抵抗之力 Turn 43 The opposing Kingdra used Waterfall! Cobalion lost 65.6% of its health!
Cobalion fainted!
Go! Hydreigon! Turn 44
Hydreigon, come back!
Go! Gligar!
The opposing Kingdra used Outrage! Gligar lost 51.4% of its health! -為了保留那蛋疼的基拉祈而派出本有機會殺掉刺龍王僅餘血量的天蠍則是對方最後一個致命錯誤 Turn 45 The opposing Kingdra used Outrage! Gligar lost 36.1% of its health!
Gligar fainted!
Go! Jirachi! Turn 46
The opposing Kingdra used Outrage! It's not very effective... Jirachi lost 38.6% of its health!
Jirachi fainted!
The opposing Kingdra's rampage ended! The opposing Kingdra became confused!
Go! Hydreigon! Turn 47 The opposing Kingdra is confused!
The opposing Kingdra used Outrage! It's super effective! Hydreigon lost 100% of its health!
Hydreigon fainted!
Go! Victini! -混亂攻擊自己與否也只是戰鬥結束早晚的問題罷了 Turn 48 The opposing Kingdra is confused!
The opposing Kingdra used Outrage! Victini lost 61.9% of its health!