Venusaur @ Focus Sash Ability: Chlorophyll EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP Modest Nature - Sunny Day - Energy Ball - SolarBeam - Sleep Powder
first fight of this team Format: VGC 2014 Rated battle Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon Item Clause: Limit one of each item berman's team: Charizard / Garchomp / Greninja / Mienshao / Rotom-Wash / Venusaur UncleBrian's team: Rotom-Frost / Chesnaught / Pinsir / Chandelure / Crawdaunt / Umbreon Battle between UncleBrian and berman started! UncleBrian sent out Executioner (Pinsir)! UncleBrian sent out Optimus (Chesnaught)! Go! Mienshao! Go! Greninja! Turn 1 Battle timer is now ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by berman) Pinsir has Mega Evolved into Mega Pinsir! The opposing Executioner used Protect! The opposing Executioner protected itself! Greninja's Protean made it the Ice type! Greninja used Ice Beam! It's super effective! The opposing Optimus lost 100% of its health! The opposing Optimus fainted! Mienshao used U-turn! The opposing Executioner protected itself! UncleBrian sent out Soul (Chandelure)! Turn 2 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. The opposing Soul used Protect! The opposing Soul protected itself! Greninja's Protean made it the Water type! Greninja used Hydro Pump! The opposing Soul protected itself! Mienshao used U-turn! It's not very effective... The opposing Executioner lost 10.5–12.5% of its health! You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Mienshao went back to berman! Go! Charizard! The opposing Executioner used Close Combat! Greninja lost 76.4% of its health! The opposing Executioner's Defense fell! The opposing Executioner's Special Defense fell! Greninja restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 3 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. UncleBrian withdrew Soul (Chandelure)! UncleBrian sent out RedLobster (Crawdaunt)! The sunlight turned harsh! Charizard has Mega Evolved into Mega Charizard! The opposing Executioner used Protect! The opposing Executioner protected itself! Greninja used Hydro Pump! It's not very effective... The opposing RedLobster lost 27.2–29.2% of its health! Charizard used Flamethrower! The opposing Executioner protected itself! Greninja restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 4 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Greninja, come back! Go! Mienshao! The opposing Executioner used Close Combat! Mienshao lost 91.4% of its health! The opposing Executioner's Defense fell! The opposing Executioner's Special Defense fell! Mienshao is switched out with the Eject Button! You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Mienshao, come back! Go! Venusaur! Charizard used Flamethrower! It's super effective! The opposing Executioner lost 87.5–89.5% of its health! The opposing Executioner fainted! The opposing RedLobster used Knock Off! Charizard lost 81.8% of its health! UncleBrian sent out Soul (Chandelure)! Turn 5 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Venusaur, come back! Go! Greninja! The opposing RedLobster used Aqua Jet! It's super effective! Charizard lost 18.2% of its health! Charizard fainted! The opposing Soul used Heat Wave! Greninja avoided the attack! Greninja restored HP using its Leftovers! You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Go! Venusaur! Turn 6 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. UncleBrian has 120 seconds left. The server is restarting soon. Please finish your battles quickly. No new battles can be started until the server resets in a few minutes. Venusaur used SolarBeam! Venusaur absorbed light! It's super effective! The opposing RedLobster lost 70.8–72.8% of its health! The opposing RedLobster fainted! Greninja's Protean made it the Water type! Greninja used Hydro Pump! It's super effective! The opposing Soul lost 60.5–62.5% of its health! The opposing Soul used Energy Ball! It's super effective! Greninja lost 41.9% of its health! Greninja fainted! You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Go! Mienshao! Turn 7 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Venusaur used Sleep Powder! The opposing Soul fell asleep! Mienshao used Bulk Up! Mienshao's Attack rose! Mienshao's Defense rose! The opposing Soul is fast asleep. The sunlight faded. Turn 8 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Mienshao used U-turn! It's not very effective... The opposing Soul lost 8.4–12.4% of its health! Venusaur used Sunny Day! The sunlight turned harsh! The opposing Soul is fast asleep. Turn 9 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. The opposing Soul is fast asleep. Venusaur used Sleep Powder! The opposing Soul is already asleep. Mienshao used U-turn! It's not very effective... The opposing Soul lost 8.4–12.4% of its health! Turn 10 You have 150 seconds to make your decision. Register an account to protect your ladder rating! Register Venusaur used SolarBeam! Venusaur absorbed light! It's not very effective... The opposing Soul lost 16.7–18.7% of its health! The opposing Soul fainted! berman won the battle!作者: 跳跳虎 時間: 20/5/2014 01:50 PM 精靈有好多重覆既招式,令精靂每次上場既戰術單一,建議改一改佢。 比如噴火龍既熱風同火噴可以2選1,我會選火噴因為冇MISS既危險。另一招可以係鬼火做扞擾,或者RP彈或陽光烈焰加大打擊面。 另外地龍,潛龍同鋼尾命中都吾穩,可以轉用龍爪,火牙都吾錯。 居士既High Jump Kick同吸收拳都係格鬥招,多數只放一招,如果要封門就考量接力。 奇異花就......我明白2招草係想有晴天就用陽光,冇就另一招(最好遺傳極級吸收)...但打擊面低到不行,覺醒火幾乎係必備,晴天仲有加成tim至於草用邊招,能原球/極級吸收當然較穩,但如果奇異花既作用只係晴天上場,吾做防禦,陽光都可以。放晴轉生長,睡粉都可以轉毒彈,畢竟高速清場都要打擊面。道具用黑泥好似比較好。作者: abbozto 時間: 20/5/2014 09:16 PM 標題/隊伍煩請標明雙打/VGC 不看戰報我還不知該怎樣說 而且居士的道具有出入