求答作者: Archerpig 時間: 20/4/2014 10:15 PM 睇卡洛斯標誌作者: 棠 時間: 20/4/2014 11:02 PM 好似無直接檢查的方法,需看內容作者: music 時間: 20/4/2014 11:49 PM if there's a black pentagon near the diamond clover.... those marking, it should be born in calos, if the pentagon is absent, that means it must be transferred from other regions and the probability that it is 改獸 is higher.作者: wo_tony 時間: 25/4/2014 01:53 AM 但冇卡洛斯標誌都唔代表佢係改獸... 我認為, 事實上如果佢通過到bank, 咁老任都覺得佢係正獸...真假可能都唔重要作者: 海風仔 時間: 25/4/2014 07:53 PM