39a. vibrate (verb) / vibration (noun) (振動) + larva (幼蟲)
39b. torch (火矩) + chicken (雞)
40. 謊言者悖論是因句意會自我矛盾而無法成立,最常見的例子是「我在說謊」此句。因若我所說是真(「我在說謊」),那我便不是在說謊;但若我所說是假(「我不在說謊」),那麼我就是在說謊。所以無論這句子是真或不真,情況都不可能成立。
41. Plato / 帕拉圖
42. 因為擊鼓者被視為擾亂公堂,官府必須將擊鼓者剝衫杖責,然後才聽其鳴冤,即所謂「未見官先打三十大板」。但由於婦女不得受此刑責,所以擊鼓者通常是女人。
43. 1) Every dragon plays with that single rabbit.
2) Every dragon has one rabbit as their playmate and there exists more than one rabbit in total.
44. 先把自己的鎖加在盒上,再把盒子遞給Hinata讓她解原有的鎖,最後你解自己加上去的鎖。(此為不對稱密碼的原理之一)
2. [天文 Astronomy] 以下哪顆行星的溫度最高?
Which of the following planets has the highest temperature?
A. 水星 Mercury
B. 金星 Venus
C. 火星 Mars
D. 木星 Jupiter
10. [中文] 「巧克力餅」一詞中有多少個語素?
A. 一個
B. 兩個
C. 三個
D. 四個
11. [音樂 Music] 以下作品皆屬於華格納的歌劇〈尼伯龍根的指環〉,被稱為「舞台節慶典三日劇及前夕」。以下哪個作品描述主角齊格菲因為被設計喝了酒藥而愛上了古德倫?
The following compositions are belongings to Wagner’s Opera ‘Der Ring des Nibelungen’, which is also called ‘Bühnenfestspiel’. Which one describes the main character Siegfried fell in love with Gudrun since he was tricked to drink the medicine?
A. 萊茵的黃金 Das Rheingold
B. 女武神 Die Walküre
C. 齊格菲 Siegfried
D. 諸神的黃昏 Götterdämmerung
23. [音樂 Music] 聆聽曲目〈my long forgotten cloistered sleep〉,以下哪一項樂器未曾出現於曲目之中?
Listen to the soundtrack ‘my long forgotten cloistered sleep’. Which of the following instruments is not used in this soundtrack?
A. 長笛 Flute
B. 單簧管 Clarinet
C. 中提琴 Viola
D. 搖鼓 Tambourine
25. [English] Which of the underlined morphemes in the following sentences is different from the other three?
A. She isunhappy.
B. He playsbasketball.
C. Mary'shair is long.
D. Tom is tallerthan Susan.
31. [English] What kind of word formation process is involved in the formation of the word ""brunch""?
A. Blending
B. Clipping
C. Coinage
D. Compounding
32. [音樂 Music] 聆聽曲目,此作品屬於哪一個時期的作品?
Listen to the soundtrack. This composition is belongings to…
A. 巴洛克時期 Baroque Period
B. 古典時期 Classical Period
C. 浪漫時期 Romantic Period
D. 二十世紀 20th century
34. [中文] 以下哪一句不是複句?
A. 他喜歡看電影,也喜歡看話劇
B. 學習寫作,首先要認真思考,然後再動筆。
C. 這個計劃不但改善了交通問題,還增加了庫房的收入。
D. 不但全體學生,而且所有的教師都喜歡看這部電影。
35. [地理 Geography] 以下哪項不是河流下游的特徵?
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the lower course of a river?
A. 平均流速低 Low average velocity
B. 流水量大 Large volume of flowing water
C. 含沙量高 High silt content
D. 坡度平緩 Gentle gradient
41. [其他 Others]
A philosopher taught Alexander the Great. Who was the teacher of this philosopher?
43. [English]
Interpret the statement "Every dragon plays with a rabbit" in two different ways.
會員編號(UID): 45303
44. [其他 Others]
28. [數學 Mathematics] 點P的坐標為(-3, 3)。若P對直線 x=1 反射至點Q,則P與Q間之距離為
The coordinates of the point P are (-3, 3). If P is reflected with respect to the straight line x=1 to the point Q, then the difference betweenA and Bis
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
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