香港寵物小精靈村落 論壇

標題: Chem題幾條=.= [打印本頁]

作者: dolphin_ice    時間: 19/4/2005 01:32 AM
標題: Chem題幾條=.=
2000HKCEE化學 Multiple Choice 之幾條
1. Which of the following ions is responsible for the yellow colour of topaz?
A. Mn2+
B. Mn3+
C. Fe2+
D. Fe3+

2. Which of the following gases is flammable?
A. Hydrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Chlorine
D. Argon

3. Which of the following processes is exothermic?
A. Melting of ice
B. Evaporation of ethanol
C. Sublimation of iodine
D. Dissolving sodium hydroxide pallets in water.


[ Last edited by 紅唇娃 on 2005-4-19 at 01:33 AM ]
作者: 細薯    時間: 19/4/2005 12:53 PM
1.(i don't know wt is that....)

2. Which of the following gases is flammable?
A. Hydrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Chlorine
D. Argon

3. Which of the following processes is exothermic?
A. Melting of ice
B. Evaporation of ethanol
C. Sublimation of iodine
D. Dissolving sodium hydroxide pallets in water.
作者: dolphin_ice    時間: 19/4/2005 03:24 PM

作者: 細薯    時間: 19/4/2005 03:57 PM
exothermic 是放熱嘛....?
所以sodium 同 water react 咪 release heat lor.....
(ng G o岩 ng o岩....)
作者: JOHNLAM17    時間: 19/4/2005 10:08 PM
Originally posted by 紅唇娃 at 2005-4-19 01:32 AM:
2000HKCEE化學 Multiple Choice 之幾條
1. Which of the following ions is responsible for the yellow colour of topaz?
A. Mn2+
B. Mn3+

第一題唔知C or D
作者: 鬼鬼    時間: 20/4/2005 12:54 AM
1. Which of the following ions is responsible for the yellow colour of topaz?
A. Mn2+ <--- Pale Pink
B. Mn3+ <--- Violet
C. Fe2+ <--- Green
D. Fe3+ <--- Yellow
So, D.

2. Which of the following gases is flammable?
A. Hydrogen <---
B. Oxygen
C. Chlorine
D. Argon

3. Which of the following processes is exothermic?
A. Melting of ice <--- 唔吸熱點液化?
B. Evaporation of ethanol <--- 唔吸熱點汽化?
C. Sublimation of iodine <--- 由固體真接變汽體,所以都係要吸熱。
D. Dissolving sodium hydroxide pallets in water. <---- arm

[ Last edited by 紅唇娃 on 2005-4-20 at 02:47 AM ]
作者: dolphin_ice    時間: 20/4/2005 02:49 AM
...呢本野其實係你ga wor...o_O|||
作者: 鬼鬼    時間: 21/4/2005 10:47 PM
Originally posted by 紅唇娃 at 20/4/05 02:49 AM:
...呢本野其實係你ga wor...o_O|||


呢本野簡直遺禍人間 [E-TeH][E-TeH][E-TeH][E-TeH][E-TeH]
作者: dolphin_ice    時間: 22/4/2005 07:22 PM
點解咁講? o_O|||

(上面D字係咪你ga? 幾靚喎)
作者: 鬼鬼    時間: 22/4/2005 08:23 PM
Originally posted by 紅唇娃 at 22/4/05 07:22 PM:
點解咁講? o_O|||

(上面D字係咪你ga? 幾靚喎)

唔係我d字泥咖,係一個響PXA中叫「凶器」的人 [E-Ton][E-Ton][E-Ton]

因為我考完之後俾左佢,見妳要而佢又考完之後就叫佢俾我傳俾妳 [E-TeH]
作者: dolphin_ice    時間: 23/4/2005 11:20 PM
Oh I see! XD

話比佢聽我覺得佢D字好靚啦 :D

[ Last edited by 紅唇娃 on 2005-4-23 at 11:21 PM ]

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